There was absolutely nothing of interest, or value, to me ... until the last item.
The MacBook "Air" is truly an engineering marvel. At it's thickest, it's 0.76" (just thinner than the previously thinnest laptop) and at it's thinnest it's only 0.16".

Standard configuration is: 3 pounds, 80GB 1.8" hard drive, 1.6GHz Core 2 Duo processor, 13.3" wide screen, illuminated keyboard, LED backlighting, multi-touch trackpad that handles gestures similar to the iPhone and iPod touch, 802.11n wireless , 5 hours' battery life with WiFi on and surfing the net, and it's very eco-friendly ... no arsenic or mercury in the screen's glass, the case is aluminium.
There are options for a 1.8GHz processor and a 64GB solid state drive.
The price for the standard model is $US1799 ... I'll have to wait for the online stores to come back up to see what the options cost and how much we antipodeans will be gouged.
There's an ad and a guided tour for it.
I have a terrible suspicion I won't care, though. I'm almost guaranteed to buy one :-).
Update: The Australian store is back online. Standard price AUD2500. At the current exchange rate, they're gouging us almost precisely AUD500.
The upgrade to 1.8GHz adds AUD400 and the SSD adds AUD1000. If you opt for the standard configuration that has both, you save AUD500, but that's not enough to make me even think about it!
Update: I ordered the 1.6GHz standard configuration. Now, I just have to wait ...
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